Grid Management Pages overview

The Grid Management Pages allows you to manage the grid in a browser. The top bar is the starting point of all navigation in the web user interface. It displays these top category pages:

  • Home
  • Hosts
  • Applications
  • Nodes
  • Monitoring
  • Security
  • Configuration
The top bar also displays a search bar, current user information, Grid name, and a context menu for grid-wide tasks. This table shows the items in the grid-wide context menu:
Top menu item Description Additional information
About Displays information about the current Grid and shows license information about third party libraries.
Show Hotkeys Describes keyboard shortcuts.
UI Personalization Allows enabling selected custom user interface preferences.
Error Codes Displays Grid-specific error codes.
Alarm Codes Displays Grid-specific alarm codes.
Reset Log Counters Starts a task that immediately resets the log counters for all nodes in the grid.
Change Grid Name Enables changing the display name of the grid. See Changing of the display name of a grid
Set Grid Offline Starts a task that immediately sets the grid offline. See Putting applications or parts of the Grid in an offline state
Stop Grid Starts a task that immediately stops the grid. See Stopping the Grid
Sign Out Immediately signs out the current user.