Stopping the Grid

Note: Stopping the entire Grid stops all applications that are running in it. When the Grid is stopped, no applications can run and no requests can be served. Do not stop the Grid as a quick fix for any problems that might occur.

Stopping the Grid completely can be useful when you need to run maintenance tasks, such as:

  • Making a full backup of the database
  • Exchanging an end-of-lifetime component in the hardware
  • Upgrading the operating system to a newer version, which requires rebooting of a host

Considerations before stopping the Grid:

  • Do you have access to start the Grid again? Verify that the bootstrap service is running and available, or make sure that you have access to at least one of the hosts in the Grid.

To stop the Grid:

  1. Click the menu located at the top right.
  2. Click Stop Grid. A message Are you sure? is displayed.
  3. Click Yes. A task should be displayed. After the task is finished, you will not be able to connect to the server anymore.