Hosts card view

The name and the address of the host are displayed in the header of each card. This table shows the items in the summary host card:

Summary card items Description
Host is Displays the state of the host including Started, Stopped, or Offline.
Errors Lists the number of errors in all node logs for the host since the Reset Log Counter was used. You can click the link to show the detail card.
Warnings Lists the number of warnings in all node logs for the host since the Reset Log Counters was used. You can click the link to show the detail card.
CPU Current CPU used by the host.
Memory Current memory used by the host.

Select a host card to open the detail card and access the host context menu.

This table shows the additional items in the detailed host card:

Detailed host card items Description
Host Group Shows which host group this host belongs to, if any.
Note: This item is only visible if the specific Grid has defined host groups.
Operating System The type and version of the host OS.
Version Version of the Grid installed on the host.
Uptime Operating system uptime.
Miniature cards for each node Each node running on the host is represented by a miniature card. See Node card view for details.
Context menu The context menu contains additional host-related views and actions.
This table shows the items in the host context menu:
Host context menu items Description Additional information
Bootstrap The page displays Bootstrap service information, such as version and status, for the selected host. See Grid Bootstrap Status Page

See Opening the Bootstrap status page

Application Folders The page lists the folders and files of the applications installed on the host.
System Resource Folder The page lists Grid runtime binaries installed on the host.
Stop Stops the host, including all routers and nodes.
Note: Stopping the last host will take down the whole Grid, making it impossible to access the Admin UI. In this case, you must restart the host from command line using <GRID_INSTALL_FOLDER>/bin/StartHost.cmd
Set Offline/Online Sets the host offline or online. The nodes running on the host will not accept any new requests until it is online again. See To put hosts in an offline state
Start Node Starts a node on the host. See To start grid nodes through the Hosts tab
Stop all Nodes Stops all application nodes on the host. Router nodes are not affected.
Change Name Changes the host display name. See Changing the display name of a host
View Host Group Links to the Host Groups tab under Configuration. The host group of this host is selected. See Host Groups.
Delete Deletes the host from the Grid configuration. This option is only available when the host is stopped. This can be used to clean up the Grid configuration if the server no longer is available.
Note: Deleting a host from the Grid configuration does not uninstall the host. You must run the uninstaller on the host.