Assign binding to host group

You can assign a binding to a host group. This will let the grid start nodes, to apply the binding configuration on the hosts in the host group. If an application is deployed to a host group, its bindings can also be assigned to a host group.

  1. Navigate to Applications.
  2. Click the application which bindings you want to assign to a host group..
  3. In the application details, click Bindings.
  4. Hover over the binding that you want to move to a host group. A pen icon is displayed. Click this pen.
  5. In the Edit Binding dialog box, select the applicable host group or host groups for the application binding.
    Note: A binding in an illegal state carries a warning symbol. This happens when the application is assigned to a host group, but the binding is not, or the other way around. A wildcard is an exception. A wildcard is a part of both a host group and mode and of a host mode simultaneously.