Node list view

The nodes list view can be filtered and sorted by column. Each entry in the node list has a context menu that enables these actions:
  • Stopping the node.
  • Setting the node offline.
  • Resetting the log counters for the node.
  • Run garbage collector.
  • Immediately terminate the node.
  • Creating a thread dump in the built-in format.
  • Creating a java-native thread dump.
  • Creating a heap dump.

A detailed view of the selected node is displayed in the lower part of the page.

Detailed node view tabs Description Additional information
Overview Displays node-specific details such as management pages, errors, and modules.
Log Displays the node-specific log.
Log Levels Displays the log levels for this node. Changes are applied immediately, and are only valid until this specific node is stopped. See Configuring temporary log levels for specific nodes.
Alarms Displays the Monitoring > Alarm page, filtered to the relevant application. See Alarms.
Node Capacity Enables setting a threshold for the relative number of requests accepted for this node. See Node capacity.
Threads The view presents a tree view of active threads in the node. Click a thread name to view stack trace, CPU usage, and other details. See Viewing threads.
Counters This view presents the counters for the node. See Viewing counters.
Connection Handlers Lists the connection handlers active in this node, as well as the number of active connections. Application nodes only.
Properties Displays all the node properties, Java system properties, and operation system environment variables for this node. It is possible to filter the content when searching for a specific property or value.
Proxies Lists all proxies registered in this node, including the type of proxy as well as the key expression.
Locks Displays all information about locks currently held by the node, if any.

Managing the detailed view

Drag and drop the divider between the list and the detailed view to adjust the size of the detailed section.

To hide the detailed view, click the X icon.

To reopen the detailed section, select another entry in the list. This restores the detailed section to the original size.