Changing the JDK for a grid node

If a grid is installed using a particular JDK version and you later want to change to another JDK version, you may do that by configuring a grid property. As always with grid properties, they may be configured and overridden in different contexts (see Grid Properties). Typically a change of JDK version will be done on all hosts in a grid or on individual hosts of a grid. The following steps describe how to change the JDK version for all nodes running in one host. If you want to change the JDK version for all hosts, you repeat the procedure for each host.

  1. Go to Configuration.
  2. Go to Grid Properties.
  3. In the property list, click Java Executable in the Node Properties section.
  4. In the context listing on the left, locate Hosts and click the host whose JDK you want to change.
  5. Click Edit.
  6. In the input field, specify the absolute path to the Java executable of the new JDK version. For example, C:/JDK1.8/bin/java.exe).
  7. Click Save.
  8. Repeat this procedure for other hosts whose JDK you want to change.
  9. For any nodes currently running, you will need to restart them to apply the changes. Any new nodes will use the new JDK when they are started.