Host list view

The host list view can be filtered and sorted by column. Each entry in the host list has a context menu that enables these actions:
  • Stopping the host
  • Setting the host offline
  • Changing the name of the host
  • Starting a node on the host
  • Stopping all nodes on the host
  • Viewing host groups
A detailed view of the selected host is displayed in the lower part of the host list view.
Detailed host view tabs Description
Overview Displays host-specific metadata, including current uptime, CPU and memory usage, errors and ports.
Nodes Lists the running nodes of the current host.
Bootstrap Displays the current status of the bootstrap for the current host.
Application Folders Lists the folders and files of the applications installed on the host.
System Resource Folders Lists the Grid runtime binaries installed on the host.

Managing the detailed view

Drag and drop the divider between the list and the detailed view to adjust the size of the detailed section.

To hide the detailed view, click the X icon.

To reopen the detailed section, select another entry in the list. This restores the detailed section to the original size.