Stopping an individual Grid node

Normally, you do not stop individual application nodes. Instead, you stop an entire application and, as a result, all nodes belonging to the application will be stopped. However, there are situations when you want to stop an individual application node.

For example:

  • A node is experiencing problems and you need to stop it, perhaps with the intention of starting a new node to replace the stopped one.
  • The application has been started in multiple instances (nodes) but all that capacity is no longer needed, so some of the nodes can be removed in order to free resources.
  • You want to clear a particular host in a multi-host grid from all nodes in order to perform some maintenance on that host.

Considerations before stopping a node:

  • Should the node be put in an offline state first?
  • If the application node is the only one of its kind, the application may stop working. Should a new similar application node be started first before the node is stopped?
  • Applications are implemented differently. Some applications manage their nodes themselves. Consult the documentation of the application. Does the documentation recommend some alternative procedure to stopping the node in this case?

To stop an individual grid node

  1. Navigate to the Nodes tab.
  2. Click a node.
  3. Open the context menu for the node and select Stop Node.