Configuring filtered views for events

On the Monitoring page an administrator can configure filtered views for certain events.

The available event types are:

  • Application Event

    Generic event triggered by Grid applications.

  • Application Status

    Triggered when the Global State of the specified application is NOT OK. Cool-down applies and the event is only sent once per change in state.

  • Heap Usage

    Triggers when the application heap threshold is surpassed.

To add an event filter to the Monitoring page:

  1. Click New Filter under the desired event type to open the New Event Filter dialog box.
  2. Select what application the filter should apply to.
  3. Optionally, select Edit Recipients to open the Recipients dialog box.
    1. In the Recipients dialog box, specify a valid e-mail address and click the Add button to add a recipient.
    2. Click OK to finish adding recipients.

Each card on the Monitoring page represents a filter for the event type (column) and application (row). The Event Filter card details what application the filter is for and, if e-mail notifications are enabled, the number of recipients of e-mail notifications and the number of times the event has been triggered.

  • E-mail notifications can be enabled or disabled per event type and application by selecting the enable or disable button.

  • To edit the e-mail recipients for a given event type and application, click on the recipients icon in the card to open the Recipients dialog box.

  • To view the triggered events, click on the Triggered badge to open the Notifications page with those events displayed.

Note: For e-mail notifications to be fully enabled the following Grid Properties must be specified on the Grid Properties page:
  • SMTP Server Address - required

  • SMTP Server Port - optional if the default port is used

  • SMTP Sender - required

  • SMTP Password - required depending on security

  • SMTP Security - required depending on security