Starting the Grid

The grid will start automatically when the host starts. The sequence of events is:

  • The server starts and the operating system boots up.
  • The grid bootstrap service is started by the operating system.

    The grid bootstrap service checks the activation flag in the grid database and, if the host should be active, it starts the Host Router.

If the grid does not start automatically, take the following steps (these are for Windows):

  1. Access the Windows Server Manager on the server where the grid bootstrap service runs.
  2. Under Configuration, select Services.
  3. In the list of services, locate the grid bootstrap service. It will have a name in the format: Infor ION Grid - gridName.
  4. Verify the Status column states Started. If the service is not started, right-click on the service and select Start.
  5. If the grid still does not start automatically, execute the StartHost.cmd or StartAllHosts.cmd script, which is located in grid_root_installation_path\bin.