Applications list view

The applications list view can be filtered and sorted by column. Each entry in the application list has a context menu that enables these actions:
  • Stopping the application
  • Setting the application offline
  • Resetting the log counters
  • Starting a node
  • Starting initial nodes

A detailed view of the selected application is displayed in the lower part of the application list view.

Detailed application view tabs Description Additional information
Overview Displays application-specific details such as management pages, errors, and configuration problems. See Accessing Application Management Pages.
Nodes Lists the running nodes of the current application.
Bindings Displays existing binding and enables managing binding for application-defined node types. See Creating a new binding.

Editing existing bindings.

Properties Displays the Grid Properties page filtered to the specific application. On this page, you can edit application properties and Grid properties. See Grid Properties.
Deployment Displays the page for managing the deployment of the application on host and host groups. See Application deployment.
Deployment Operations Displays the deployment operations performed for the application. See Deployment Operations.
Log Levels Displays the Monitoring > Log Levels page, filtered to the relevant application. See Configuring temporary log levels for applications.
Alarms Displays the Monitoring > Alarm page, filtered to the relevant application. See Alarms.
Application Model Displays the XML that defines the application model.
Web Components Enables managing application-specific web components such as REST services or web applications, if applicable. See Managing application-specific web components.
Connection Dispatchers Manage connection dispatchers. This page displays any existing connection dispatcher configurations. See Connection Dispatchers.
DBC Displays the Database Connection Configurations (DBC) page that lists existing configurations. See Adding a DBC Configuration.

Managing the detailed view

Drag and drop the divider between the list and the detailed view to adjust the size of the detailed section.

To hide the detailed view, click the X icon.

To reopen the detailed section, select another entry in the list. This restores the detailed section to the original size.