Resubmitting No Route messages in bulk - CLOUD

You can resubmit messages with the No Route status in bulk.

  1. Select OneView.
  2. Click the plus icon and select Sender Logical ID and Processing Exceptions.
    Optionally, to narrow down your search for the No Route messages, you can select Message Resubmitted (Date and Time).
  3. To confirm the field selection, click OK.
  4. In the Sender Logical ID field, select one or multiple sender logical IDs.
  5. In the Processing Exceptions field, select No Route.
  6. If you selected Message Resubmitted (Date and Time) in step 2, select the time within which to search for messages with the No Route status.
  7. Click SEARCH.
  8. To resubmit all searched messages, click RESUBMIT ALL.
  9. To confirm the bulk resubmission, click YES.
  10. To confirm that the No Route messages do not exist for the selected filters, click Reset Filters, reselect the appropriate filters, and perform the search again.