Updating location credentials

Note: Credentials that are not used for more than 90 days are invalidated by ION CE. Use this procedure to create a new set of credentials.

You can create new location credentials and apply these in the Enterprise Connector.

  1. Select Connect > Enterprise Locations.
  2. Select the Location for which new credentials are required and click Recreate Credentials. The Enterprise Connector Location - Credentials dialog box opens.
  3. In this dialog box, either click show credentials and copy and paste the Location ID and Location Secret Key or download credentials in a csv formatted file.
  4. Click Close to return to the list. The status of the Location is ERROR because the current Enterprise Connector has invalidated credentials.
  5. Open the Grid Management UI, on a server where the Enterprise Connector is installed.
  6. Select Applications > IONEnterpriseConnector > Management Pages.
  7. Specify the location credentials you retrieved from the ION CE Location screen by either importing the credentials csv file or pasting the ID and Security Key. Click Load. The location information for this location is retrieved from ION CE and displayed.
  8. Save the changes and verify whether the status is OK.