Testing the integration using Postman

Everything is prepared to sent messages to ION CE using IMS.

To verify the proper working, you can use a REST client such as Postman API Client.

Complete these steps:

  1. Install Postman.
  2. Import in Postman the IMS v3 template collection: IMS v3 template.postman_collection.json
  3. At the root level of the newly imported project, edit the configuration.
  4. In the Variables section, add the values of the variables as you find them in the downloaded csv credential file.
    1. Fill in the variables applicable for the Direct IMS integration. You must specify both, the initial value and the current value:
      Specify the consumer key generated in the connection point.
      Specify the secret key generated in the connection point.
      Specify the IMS endpoint for your Enterprise Connector IMS service. If this Postman is running at the same host as the Enterprise Connector, and you used a default IMS installation, you can leave the value https://localhost:28090/api/ion/messaging/service.
      Specify the cloud tenant id or the tenant configured in your enterprise connector, see the Enterprise Connector Configuration screen.

      For an on-premises ION installation, typically tenant INFOR is used.

      If you created a connection point with another lid than infor.ims.cp_myapp, adjust the lid here accordingly. DO NOT include lid:// in the value.
    2. Save the changes (Persist All).
  5. You should now be able to successfully run these IMS methods defined in the Postman project:
    1. ping

      You may receive a 503 if the document flow and thus the connection point is inactive.

      A successful ping returns HTTP status code 200 and body: {"status":"OK","code": 200}.

    2. versions

      A successful versions returns HTTP status code 200 and body: {"supportedVersions": ["v1","v2","v3"]}.

    3. AcceptedDocuments

      An inactive connection point returns HTTP status code 412.

      A successful acceptedDocuments returns HTTP status code 200 and a body such as: {"logicalId": "lid://infor.ims.cp_myapp","acceptedDocuments": ["Confirm.BOD","Sync.SalesOrder"]}.

    4. multipartMessage or message/multipart

      An inactive connection point returns HTTP status code 412.

      A successful method call returns HTTP status code 202 and body: {"status": "OK","code": 202,"message": "The request was processed successfully"}.