Data Catalog API

The Data Catalog is an application that runs in the ION Grid. It exposes a REST Service with API methods to run one of these actions:

  • Retrieve a list of all existing objects in the Data Catalog.
  • Register object metadata for JSON and DSV objects.
  • Retrieve metadata for JSON and DSV objects.
  • Retrieve a list of BOD nouns.
  • Retrieve noun properties for BODs.

Interface and consumption methods are exposed through the Data Catalog API Service registered within the API Gateway Suite for Infor ION. Details for each of the exposed methods can be found in the Swagger documentation within the datacatalog endpoint.

For more information on using API Gateways and interacting with Swagger documentation for the API methods, see Infor API Gateway Administration Guide.

Additionally, the API uses the OAuth 1.0 authorization type. To use this method of authentication, you must obtain security credentials for the DataCatalog service from your system administrator. For a technical description of the API methods, see the swagger documentation of the Data Catalog endpoint on:

https://<your server name>:9543/datacatalog/swagger.json

Note: The port number may be different on your installation.

To check whether the /datacatalog endpoint is started, run the ping method:

https://<your server name>:9543/datacatalog/v1/status/ping

You can run this method from your browser window. A successful reply returns the message OK.