Before customizing the Data Catalog

Before you customize the Data Catalog, note these points:

  • Contact Infor for information on services to assist you when developing custom objects.
  • The Data Catalog contains these files:
    • XML Schema (XSD) files and XML files to describe objects of type BOD
    • JSON Schema files to describe objects of type JSON and DSV (delimiter-separated values)
    To customize the Data Catalog metadata, you must understand and adapt those files.
  • If you add files to the Data Catalog, you can use customized nouns in ION only. To use the customized nouns in ION Service, these nouns must be adopted by Infor applications or other applications. The definitions in the Data Catalog must always match the objects that are sent or received by applications that are connected to ION.
  • In the Data Catalog XSD files, conventions are used. These are the most important conventions:
    • All elements use the type-attribute and therefore refer to named types.
    • All types, complex and simple, are explicit and have "Type" as a post fix. For example, StatusType.
    • The elements in a complexType containing a sequence or choice are always a ref to a single element with a named type.
  • Note: 
    • In customized XSDs, do not use unions such as <xs:union memberTypes="xs:string xs:dateTime"/> or binary data types such as xs:hexBinary.
    • If you create a customized version of a standard noun, it must be compatible with the standard. If you use a new name for the customized noun, such as MySalesOrder, compatibility with the standards is not required. When you create a version of your custom noun, it must be backwards compatible with previous versions.