
This table shows the elements in PulseTask:

Element Note
DocumentID/ID Unique identification of the task.
CreationDateTime Date when the task was created in Activities engine.
LastModificationDateTime Date when the task was last modified.
Status/Code Status of the task. Values are:
  • NEW - The initial status for a new item.
  • ASSIGNED - Assigned to a specific user.
  • UNASSIGNED - No longer assigned to a specific user.
  • DONE - Completed.
  • CANCELLED - canceled by an administrator (through ION) or by the application (through a ProcessPulseTask BOD).
IsEscalated This indicator has value true if a task is escalated and false otherwise. This element is only supported in Sync messages.
EscalationLevel The number of levels in the organizational hierarchy to which the alert is escalated. If the task is not escalated the value is 0. Otherwise the EscalationLevel is greater than 0.
Priority The priority of the task. Values are:
  • HIGH
  • LOW
DueDateTime Date and time when the task is due. This element is shown only if a due date was configured in the workflow task properties. This element is supported only in the Sync messages.
Description The description that is displayed to the end user as the summary of the task. You can use hash tags when searching. For example:
Approve #requisition 25

To define a category, use ## at the end of the message.

To include values from the alert details, use square brackets around the parameter labels.

To use the actual characters for square brackets, use an escape character: \[ or \]

Description/@languageID The language code of the Description field.

See the notes in Supported features.

Note Notes that are added by people who handled the alert. Notes can be added, but cannot be modified or removed.
Note/@userID The ID (personId) of the person who added the note.
Note/@author Full name of the person who added the note.

This attribute is required when a Note is added through a ProcessPulseAlert BOD.” / “ProcessPulseTask BOD.” / “ProcessPulseNotification BOD.

Note/@entryDateTime The date/time at which the note was created.
Note/@noteID Identification of the note within the task.
Note/@type If this attribute is missing or empty "", this note is a current note of this Task.

If the @type attribute is filled with a string other than "". This note is a propagated Note, that was specified in a previous Task of the same workflow.

Source/Type BOD: the task was created by sending a ProcessPulseTask BOD.

WORKFLOW: the task was created by a workflow.

Source/Name If Type=BOD: the logical ID of the sender of the ProcessPulseTask BOD. For example, lid://infor.erp.myerp

If Type is WORKFLOW: the name of the workflow definition that created the task. For example, MyWorkflow.

Parameter Data of the task that is displayed to the user and optionally can be updated by the user.

For example:

<Parameter sequence="1">
  <Label>Order Number</Label>
Parameter/@sequence The sequence number of the parameter. This is used for ordering the parameters when displaying them to a user. You are only allowed to use this attribute if there are no elements of type TreeParameter in the document.
Parameter/Sequence You must specify this element in combination with TreeParameter/Sequence. This element is used to determine the order in which Parameters and TreeParameters are displayed to the user.
Parameter/Name The name that identifies the parameter within the task. This element is required for each parameter.
Parameter/Value The (serialized) value of the parameter. The formatting depends on the DataType and is the same as the formatting that is normally used in BOD data elements.
Parameter/DataType The data type of the parameter. This element is required for each parameter.

You can use these data types:

  • STRING - a string value that is up to 4000 characters in length
  • INTEGER - a numeric type that represents a whole number
  • DECIMAL - a numeric type that has a floating precision. Values may be expressed using the scientific e-notation. For details about the scientific e-notation, see Wikipedia or other resources on the internet.
  • BOOLEAN - represents a true or false value
  • DATETIME - the date part and time part of a date/time stamp separated by "T" and ending with Z (is always UTC)
  • TIME - the time part of a date/time stamp
  • DATE - the date part of a date/time stamp
Parameter/Label The label of the parameter that is used when displaying the parameter to a user. This element is required for each parameter.
Parameter/Label /@languageID The language code of the Label field.

See the notes in Supported features.

Parameter/ReadyOnlyIndicator Indicates whether the parameter is read-only:
  • If the value is true, the user is not allowed to change the value.
  • If the value is false, the user can change the value when handling the item.

This element is required for each parameter.

Parameter/Restriction Restriction to the data type.

This element can contain the name of a code as defined in ION. The values that the user can specify are then restricted to the specified code.

TreeParameter The TreeParameter consists of:
  • A TreeDefinition. The TreeDefinition defines a complex data structure.
  • The TreeNodes define the data value for the structure. The TreeNodes are specified after the TreeDefinition.

The TreeDefinition and the TreeNodes must be consistent.

TreeParameter/Sequence Indicates the sorting sequence in which TreeParameters and Parameters must be displayed to the user in the task. If one Sequence is defined, all Parameters must specify a Sequence element.
TreeParameter/TreeDefinition Definition for the data structure contained in the TreeParameter. Definition includes several unique TreeNodes with their ID, ParentID, NodeName, and TreeNodeParameters.
TreeParameter/TreeDefinition/TreeNode A node in a tree using a parent relationship and containing the definition of the properties required for the node.
TreeParameter/TreeDefinition/TreeNode/Sequence Indicates the sequence of the node within the TreeParameter. You must specify the Sequence for all TreeNodes if this element is specified for the root TreeNode. The ordering of the TreeNodes within the structure is based on the specified Sequence. If the Sequence is not specified for the root TreeNode, the structure is sorted based on the XML.
TreeParameter/TreeDefinition/TreeNode/ID The unique identifier for this tree node within this definition of a TreeParameter.
TreeParameter/TreeDefinition/TreeNode/ParentID The ID of the node that is the parent of this node within the tree. The root TreeNode does not have a ParentID.
TreeParameter/TreeDefinition/TreeNode/NodeName This is the unique identification of a tree node.
TreeParameter/TreeDefinition/TreeNode/Label The label of the parameter that is used when showing the parameter to a user. You must specify at least one label. You can specify several labels, each with a different languageID for translated labels.
TreeParameter/TreeDefinition/TreeNode/Label /@languageID The language code of the Label field. See the notes in Supported features.
TreeParameter/TreeDefinition/TreeNode /TreeNodeParameter The TreeNodeParameter defines a property within a TreeNode level. TreeNodeParameters are optional. Values for these properties are specified in the TreeNodes that follow the TreeDefinition.
TreeParameter/TreeDefinition/TreeNode /TreeNodeParameter/Sequence Indicates the sequence of the TreeNodeParameter within the TreeNode.
TreeParameter/TreeDefinition/TreeNode /TreeNodeParameter/Name The name of the TreeNodeParameter is used to identify this property in the tree node instances to specify its value.
TreeParameter/TreeDefinition/TreeNode/TreeNodeParameter/DataType The data type of the associated value. You can use these data types:
  • STRING - a string value that is up to 4000 characters in length.
  • INTEGER - a numeric type that represents a whole number.
  • DECIMAL - a numeric type that has a floating precision. Values may be expressed using the scientific e-notation. For details about the scientific e-notation, see Wikipedia or other resources on the internet.
  • BOOLEAN - represents a true or false value.
  • DATETIME - the date part and time part of a date/time stamp separated by "T" and ending with Z (is always UTC).
  • TIME - the time part of a date/time stamp.
  • DATE - the date part of a date/time stamp.
TreeParameter/TreeDefinition/TreeNode /TreeNodeParameter/Label The label of the node that is used when displaying it to a user. You must specify at least one label. You can specify several labels, each with a different languageID for translated labels.
TreeParameter/TreeDefinition/TreeNode /TreeNodeParameter/Label/@languageID The language code of the Label field. For details, see notes from Supported Features.
TreeParameter/TreeNode A node in a tree using a parent relationship and containing properties required for the node and their values.
TreeParameter/TreeNode/ID The unique identifier for this tree node within this TreeParameter.
TreeParameter/TreeNode/ParentID The ID of the node that is the parent of this node within the tree definition.
TreeParameter/TreeNode/NodeName The unique identification of a tree node. This name must match a node name from the TreeDefinition. Several TreeNode instances with the same NodeName can exist.
TreeParameter/TreeNode/TreeNodeParameter List of properties for this TreeNode.
TreeParameter/TreeNode/TreeNodeParameter/Name The property name that must match with a property defined for this TreeNode in the TreeDefinition.
TreeParameter/TreeNode/TreeNodeParameter/Value The value for this tree node property. The value must be consistent with the data type that is specified in the tree definition.
ActionParameter Parameter that holds the actions that a user can do when closing the task.

For example:

  <Action sequence="1">
  <Action sequence="2">

An action parameter must have at least one action.

ActionParameter/Name The name that identifies the action parameter within the task. This element is required for each action parameter.
ActionParameter/Value The (serialized) value of the action parameter.
ActionParameter/Action/Value The value that is assigned to the action parameter when the user selects this action.
ActionParameter/Action/Label The label that is used when displaying the action button to the user. This element is required for each action parameter. Technically, you can use a string of maximum length of 255 characters. We recommend that you use short labels that are suitable for action buttons.
ActionParameter/Action/Label /@languageID The language code of the Label field. See the notes in Supported features.
AssignedPerson The user to which the notification is currently assigned. A notification is initially distributed to all users having a DistributionPerson defined in the notification.
AssignedPerson/PersonReference Reference to a person.
AssignedPerson/PersonReference/IDs/ID Identifier of the person. The ID must be a Person ID or Contact ID as defined in IFS (case-sensitive).
AssignedPerson/PersonReference/Name Name of the person.
AssignedPerson/PersonReference/SystemUserIndicator Value is true if the person is a User in IFS.

Value is false if the person is a Contact in IFS.

DistributionPerson Person in the distribution list for the task. The task is distributed to all users for which a DistributionPerson is included.
DistributionPerson/ID Identification of the distribution person within the distribution list of the task.
DistributionPerson/PersonReference Reference to a person.
DistributionPerson/PersonReference/IDs/ID Identifier of the person. The ID must be a Person ID or Contact ID as defined in IFS (case-sensitive). This element is required for each distribution person.
DistributionPerson/PersonReference/Name Name of the person.
DistributionPerson/PersonReference/SystemUserIndicator Value is true if the person is a User in IFS.

Value is false if the person is a Contact in IFS.

This element is required for each distribution person.

For PulseTask, the value must always be true.

DistributionGroup Specify one or more distribution groups to which the task must be distributed. This element can be used in addition to the DistributionPerson element, or instead of the DistributionPerson element.
DistributionGroup/Name Identifier of the distribution group as defined in Infor Ming.le User Management. The task is distributed to all users that are members of this group at the time the task is created.
DistributionGroup/Description Description of the distribution group. This element is optional and is not used to determine the distribution list.
DistributionGroup/Description/@languageID Describe the language code of the description element. This attribute is optional and is not used for the distribution functionality.
Note: The DistributionGroup element is supported only in the ProcessPulseTask BOD. A SyncPulseTask BOD can be sent after the creation of the task. In that case, the distribution list of the task is described using a DistributionPerson element for each user from the distribution group.