Canceling a notification

When canceling a notification, the action code (ProcessPulseNotification/DataArea/Process/ ActionCriteria/ActionExpression/@actionCode) must be "Change".

This table shows the elements you must use in the noun instance (ProcessPulseNotification/DataArea/PulseNotification):

Element Note
DocumentID/ID Use the DocumentID/ID as provided in the Acknowledge BOD when the item was created.
Status/Code Use value 'CANCELLED'.

When processing the cancel request in the Activities engine, an Acknowledge BOD is sent in reply. If the item was canceled successfully, the actionCode of the BOD is "Accepted". If the item could not be canceled, the actionCode is "Rejected".

You can only cancel a notification when:

  • The notification is open. If the user completed the task, you can no longer cancel it.
  • The notification is created by a ProcessPulseNotification BOD. If the notification is created by a Workflow you cannot cancel the notification using a ProcessPulseNotification BOD.