Receiving status updates on alerts, tasks, or notifications

The Activities engine sends Sync BODs for PulseAlert, PulseTask and PulseNotification to inform others about status changes in alerts, tasks and notifications.

This diagram shows a task (PulseTask), but the process is the same for notifications and alerts.

Status updates diagram

The Activities engine sends a SyncPulseTask when a new task is created and when the status is changed. For example, if a user picks up the task and sets it to done, a SyncPulseTask is sent. The application can handle this BOD to be informed about the new status. If a task is canceled through ION by an administrator, a SyncPulseTask is also sent.

A Sync BOD is sent in these situations:

  • A new task, alert or notification is created.
  • An item is assigned, reassigned or unassigned.
  • An item is redistributed.
  • The status of an item is changed to Done or Canceled.

The Activities engine may not send Sync BODs for all changes to an item, such as changing a parameter value, adding a note or adding an attachment.

It is not required to handle Sync BODs when you send out Process BODs. The Acknowledge BOD tells you whether the Process request was handled successfully. When sending a ProcessPulseNotification, that is probably all you want to know. When creating a task, you want to know whether the task was completed and what was the outcome of the task. For example, in case of an approval task for a requisition you want to know whether the user approved or rejected the requisition. In that case you can receive the SyncPulseTask BODs to be informed of the task status.

It can happen that an Acknowledge Pulse BOD or a Sync Pulse BOD could be delivered to the subscribing application. In that case, a Confirm BOD is generated. The Confirm BOD contains the original Acknowledge or Sync document, and can be re-submitted later from the ION UI