Starting a workflow from an application

This section describes the details of the Workflow BOD and its Process/Acknowledge messages.

You can trigger workflow definitions in various ways. To trigger a workflow instance from an application, you can use these methods:

  • Indirectly, by creating an activation policy or monitor that evaluates Sync BODs that are sent by this application. When a workflow instance that is started by this method completes and has output parameters. The activation policy creates a Process BOD of the same noun as the monitored Sync BOD. This Process BOD is sent to the originating application with the values resulting from the workflow execution.
  • Directly, by sending a ProcessWorkflow BOD. When a workflow instance is started by this method, an AcknowledgeWorkflow is sent initially to inform that the initiation of the workflow was successful. When the workflow is completed, another AcknowledgeWorkflow BOD, which contains the values of the workflow output parameters, is sent back to the application.

For details about how to model and start a workflow and start workflow from activation policy and document flow, see the Infor ION User Guide.