Get and Show verbs

A Get request is sent to the system of record to retrieve one or more business objects. A ‘query language’ kind is used to select the business object(s). The Show is the reply to a Get request. In Infor, the Show is the only BOD that can contain multiple nouns instances. A Show can also be sent without a Get request. This can be used to push data for initial load or recovery. We do not recommend this, because it requires that the sender of the Show must know the applications that are interested in this message. No action codes are used in Get and Show.

Get and Show process diagram

The Get verb is used to request data from a system of record (SOR). Either for:

  • The purposes of an initial load or reload.
  • To get specific instances of a document that the sending system typically does not receive.

Include the Document Id if the Get BOD requests a specific object from the receiving system. Otherwise a selection criteria through expression element is used.