Process and Acknowledge verbs

Process is a request sent to the system of record to add, change or delete a business object. Action codes for Process: Add, Change, Delete. Acknowledge is the reply sent back to the requestor. Action codes for Acknowledge: Accepted, Modified, Rejected.

Process and Acknowledge process diagram

Because the messaging is asynchronous, the application that sends the process must have some way of handling the pending state until it receives the Acknowledge. For example, when requesting creation of a new item, the requesting application cannot use the item as if it were there already. In the meantime the application can use a specific status for the item such as ‘Pending’.

When sending a Process BOD with an Add action code, the system requests a new record to be created in the Systems of Record (SOR), at this point the unique ID of the object is yet to be created in the SOR. Hence no Document Id must be populated in the Process BOD, but is populated in Acknowledge BOD when the record is successfully created in the SOR.

When the Process BOD gets action code Change the sending system requests a record to be either modified or deleted or to kick off a process related to the data object sent through the BOD. In this case Document Id, and Variation Id must still be populated to identify corresponding record in SOR.

Infor does not use action code Delete in Process BODs.