Documentation Identification

Here is explained how to identify a document.

The unique identifier of a document consists of these elements:

  • Tenant
  • Accounting Entity
  • Location
  • Document Id
  • Revision Id

The Document Id must form a unique identifier for an object when combined with the other values mentioned earlier. The document Id is unique within the tenant, accounting entity and location. It can be further refined by the Revision Id as shown in the diagram.

Document identification diagram

When the location or accounting entity header are not used, it indicates that the document Id must be unique in that larger scope.

The Id of the document, is also available in the BOD, for example: SyncSalesOrder/DataArea/SalesOrder/Header/DocumentID/ID. As the unique identifier of an object Document ID is made up of these elements:

  • Tenant
  • Accounting entity
  • Location
  • ID
  • RevisionID.

These properties are providing document identification in a specific time for single version. To identify the sequence of changes that are done on a document, Variation Id is used. When the documents with the same unique identifier are received, the variation Id clarifies if it is new update, duplicate document or older version.

See Message sequence.

Multi-record messages

Some document types such as DSV and newline-delimited JSON can contain multiple records in single message object. For these the Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location headers can still be used. But the document id and the revision id could make no sense on message level. Because the single set of identification headers cannot identify each individual record.

To identify individual records. It is required to open document content and use unique identification fields that are defined in Data Catalog - Object schema (Identifier Paths) in combination with (Variation Path).