Creating an IMS connection point

For now you create a unidirectional connection point, to enable sending messages from an application to ION.

  1. In ION, select Connect > Connection Points.
  2. Add a connection point of type IMS via ION API.
    1. Specify a name, such as cp_myapp.
    2. Click the Connection tab and complete these steps:
      1. Clear Application has IMS End Point.

        This makes the connection point unidirectional. Later you will change this to bidirectional.

      2. In the ION API Client Id field, specify the client Id of the authorized app you created in API Gateway.

        Open the authorized app credential file and take the value for the ci property.

    3. Write down the logical-id of this connection point.
      The example expects lid://infor.ims.cp_myapp.
    4. Click the Documents tab and add the document types you plan to send.
      For this example, select Sync.SalesOrder.
    5. Save the connection point.