Justification of file connector

Using the Infor Application Connector is preferred, because it is decoupled and event-driven, and the application can validate the correctness and consistency of incoming data. From a modeling and management perspective, the Infor Application Connector also is the best choice, because the modeling is very simple and the management in ION is the richest for this connector.

If you cannot use the Infor Application Connector, you can consider to use File Connector. File Connector is suitable for legacy applications that only support a file-based integration, and it can be event-driven. However the application at the other side must be in a position to create files in a format that ION can process, or read files as provided by ION. The data must be transformed to a BOD (XML) message. Multilevel data (header and lines) can be formatted in multiple ways in one or more files, while the File Connector does not support all options. There is a risk of delivering the same message twice in case of interruptions or timeouts.