
The timeline is a graphical representation of the message throughput in ION. It shows the actions the BOD message has undergone within ION and all ION components that were triggered during that process. The triggered ION components are represented as icons.

For more details, see the tables ION OneView components / event sources and ION OneView event types and the Infor ION User Guide.

The timeline construction logic on a mobile is slightly different from the desk version:

  • You will see two clickable events under a single icon representing the connection point where the BOD entered ION.
  • The BOD document icon is skipped on the timeline in the mobile UI by design for these event types:
    • BOD entered ION
    • BOD updated
    • Confirm BOD generated
    • BOD mapped
  • When a Message Listener is activated and processed messages, the message listener icon is not created on the timeline.