Adding windows users to the RDP user group

You must be logged on to a windows device with administrative privileges to perform this action.

  1. Click Computer Management.
    • For Windows 10 or 11 versions, right-click on the Start option and select Computer Management.
    • For Windows Server, open Server Manager and navigate to Local Server on the left panel. Click Computer Management.
  2. Expand System Tools.
  3. Expand Local Users and Groups.
  4. Click Groups to view a list of local user groups.
  5. Click Remote Desktop Users on the right side of the page to display properties window for the group.
  6. Click Add to add users to the Remote Desktop Users group.
  7. Specify the name of the users you want to add in the Select Users or Select Groups window. You can also click the Advanced option to search for users.
  8. Click the Check Names option to confirm that the specified user names are correct.
  9. Click OK to close the Select Users or Select Groups window.
  10. Click Apply and OK to save the changes.
  11. Close the Computer Management window.
  12. Restart the computer, if required, for the changes to take effect.