Managing results by record

For results that are not in draft state, you have an option to manage the case. Data subjects have the right to extract, delete, update, anonymize, and stop processing their personal data.

You can select only one request type per record for an execution. Clicking Manage brings you to the Manage Results page and displays the Components, Results Status, Execution History, Download File, and the results of the case you are trying to manage.

To manage DSR results by a record:
  1. Follow the process for Managing a DSR case.
  2. Click the arrow in the Results column. This brings you to the Managing Results by Record page.
Record ID Results Download file Execution history Action type
32771 Type details - - Not selected

From this table, actions can be marked in bulk, and GDPR officers have the option to select all records, clear a selection, or search for results and record IDs. Records can also be filtered by what they are currently marked for these actions:

  • Update
  • Delete
  • Anonymize
  • Download
  • Stop Processing

For more information, see Action types).

When filtered by the Stop Processing action, records are displayed only if any records in the component are marked and executed as stop processing. If you click the gray stop processing icon next to the search bar, the page is filtered to display only stop processing records. To clear the filter, click the stop processing icon again.

Stop Processing requirements

If an action is marked for stop processing and is executed, the record has a red stop processing icon. During this time, the record is removed from the list and cannot be processed by any user. You can decide either to continue processing or mark the record for any other allowed action. If you mark the record for any other allowed action and execute it, the stop processing status is removed. If you close or delete a case, the stop processing action is automatically lifted from the applicable records.