Creating a DSR case

The Data Protection Officer or Chief Data Protection Officer creates a DSR case to gather personal information.

The data collected is a snapshot of data up to when the case was created. All new personal information created after the creation of the case is not listed as a record. The life cycle of a DSR case is indefinite; however, it can be configured by the customer. When the life cycle is specified, all opened cases are automatically closed and deleted.

To create a DSR case:

  1. Select User Menu > Admin Settings > Security and Compliance > Data Subject Request. You can extract and process data subject requests on the Data Subject Request screen. Data subjects have the right to manage the personal data that has been collected. This screen displays this information for each case:
    • Case Name: the name of the case
    • Case Status: case statuses can be set to Draft, Searching, Received, Created, Closed, or Executed
    • Created Date: the date the case is created
    • Last Modified: the date the case is last modified
    • Modified by: the user who last modifies the Data Subject Request case
    • Results: the results of the case
  2. Click the add (+) icon.
    In addition to creating a case, you can delete a DSR or close the case. Closed and deleted DSR cases can be viewed in the audit log.
    Note: Cases cannot be closed or deleted when they are in Executing status. The execution must be completed before you can close or delete the case.
  3. Provide a Case Name.
    Note:  A case name is required but does not need to be unique.
  4. Provide a Case Description.
    Note: A case description is required but does not have to be unique.
  5. Specify the personal data you would like to obtain from the data subject. This is a list of providable personal data you can input:
    Note:  If you have multiple values for a value type, these values can be separated with commas.
    • Full Name
    • Date of Birth
    • Residential Address
    • Telephone Number
    • Fax Number
    • Email Address
    • Social Security Number
    • Account Number
    • Certificate/License Number
    • Vehicle Identifier
    • Device Identifier and Serial Number
    • Web Universal Resource Locators (URLs)
    • Internet Protocol (IP) Address Number
    • Other Personal Information
  6. Narrow the search to find personal data in specific components.
    Note: Only components to which the user has access are visible.
  7. Review the case. If the case is not complete, the user can save the case as a draft or finish creating the case.
  8. Click Create to generate the case. Once the case is created, the personal information is searched.
    Note: Canceling the creation of a DSR case generates a message indicating that you have unsaved data. Any unsaved data for your case is erased when you leave the Create a DSR page. Saving as a draft returns you to the Data Subject Request page and sets your Case Status to Draft.