Understanding the main Data Subject Request page

The main DSR page illustrates the case name, case status, created date, last modified date/time, and by whom the case was last modified.

The page displays all active and closed DSR cases to which you have access. Each case can be selected individually or collectively by using the check boxes available in the left column of the DSR table. Cases can be created, closed, deleted, or refreshed by using the icons above the table.

The search bar to the top-right of the table enables you to search cases based on keywords in their respective case names and last modified user.

The filter icon to the right of the search bar enables you to filter cases by case status. These are the case statuses that you can filter:

  • Draft: saves your DSR as a draft
  • Created: indicates that your DSR has been created
  • Searching: when the application searches for the personal information within the database
  • Received: when GDPR receives the personal information from the application
  • Executing: when the application executes the request made in the DSR case
  • Executed: when the request has been met by the application
  • Closed: a read-only DSR case; users cannot perform more actions on this case