Action types

You can perform these actions for DSR case records:

  • Download: The data subject has the right to obtain personal data. To do this, the GDPR officer can perform the download action to retrieve more details on the records. The file contains information on the record, record ID, and personal data. The download file is displayed after the execution is complete.
  • Update: The data subject has the right to implement changes to personal data. The list of all the personal information is displayed, and the GDPR officer can choose to update some or all the personal data. The user provides the personal information update for a record or all records.
  • Delete: The data subject has the right to remove personal data from the system. Once the deletion is executed, records are removed from the data record table.
  • Anonymize: The data subject has the right to request that any traces of their personal data be removed. Once the anonymization is executed, the records are replaced with asterisks (*) in the data record table. The user must specify the personal information to be anonymized for a specific record or all records.
  • Stop Processing: The data subject has the right to restrict the processing of personal data. Restricting processing can be temporarily removing the data or making it unavailable for users. During this time, the GDPR officer can decide a dispute resolution. The record can be acted upon like any other data, including downloading, updating, deleting, anonymizing, or continuing processing.