Creating an announcement

To add an announcement:

  1. Select Portal > Announcements.
  2. Click New Announcement to display the New Announcement page.
  3. On the Compose tab, complete this information:
    Provide a title for the announcement.
    Provide a summary of the announcement.
    Specify the priority level of the announcement:
    • Default.
    • Important
    • Critical

      A critical announcement is displayed in a modal dialog box when the user accesses Infor OS Portal in an Announcements widget or in an Announcements top bar when the user accesses a workspace after logging into Infor OS Portal. If you create multiple critical announcements, the user must click Next repeatedly until all critical announcements are displayed.

    Specify a start date for the announcement.
    Specify an end date for the announcement.
    Time zone
    Specify a time zone to apply to the begin and end dates.
    Image URL
    Provide the URL for an image to include in the announcement.
    Image Alignment
    Select an alignment setting to position the image.
    • Center
    • Cover
    • Fill
    • Fit
    Announcement layout
    Specify whether the image is positioned before or after the text or if the image is displayed as the background for the text.
    Text color
    Specify a color for the text.
    Note: The color is applied only after you enter an image URL and you select a background image in Announcement layout.
    Show action button
    Specify whether to display an action button to users on the announcement toolbar.
    Button title
    If you select to display an action button, specify a title for the action button.
    Button URL
    If you select to display an action button, specify the URL for the action button.
    Specify whether the announcement is repeated weekly, monthly, yearly, or never.
  4. On the Translations tab, click Create Translation, indicate the language of the translation, and provide a translation of the announcement title, content, and button title, if applicable. Announcements are shown in the translated language that the user selects in User Settings.
  5. On the Permissions tab, select the security policies from the list, and move them to the Selected column to apply the policy to the announcement. You can edit security policies and add new policies from the Security Policies menu in Portal
  6. Click Preview to display a preview of the announcement before you save it.
  7. Click Save.