Email Settings

To turn on or off the automatic emails that are sent to users when the users are created, select Send email to new users automatically when new users are added. This setting applies only to emails that are sent to users at the time of the user creation.

If this option is disabled, when you add a new user manually by clicking Add new item from the Add User dialog box from Manage Users > Users, you can select the Send invite check box to send the user an email to verify the email and set up the account, if needed. If you clear the Send invite check box, the user is not automatically notified. You must notify the user manually of the new account or click Resend invitation at a later time.

Specify the email expiration time for registration emails (in hours), from a minimum of 5 hours to a maximum of 720 hours (30 days).

Specify the number of unsuccessful attempts before Account Registration and Forgot Password email links are invalidated, from a minimum of 3 attempts to a maximum of 5 attempts.