Activity tab

The Activity tab displays the history of the user's activity. A time stamp of when the activity was performed and who performed the activity is also displayed.

These activities are logged:

Activity Description
Account Created When a new user is created in IFS, then this activity is logged with an activity description of “Account created.”
Account Activated IFS sends a registration email to users once the users are added to IFS by the IFS administrator. The registration link in the email enables users to set up their accounts. Once the account is successfully created, then the users are able to log in to Infor OS Portal by using the password that is set up during registration. This activity of successfully setting up the account is logged with an activity description of “Account activated.”
Reset password initiated by user In an event, when the user forgets a password or if the user must change the password because it expired, the user can click Forgot Password on the Sign In page. Clicking this link generates a Password Reset email. This activity of initiating the password reset by the user is logged with an activity description of “Reset password initiated by user.”
Reset password initiated by admin In an event, when the user forgets a password or if the IFS administrator wants the user to change the password for any reason, the IFS administrator can go to IFS and initiate the Password Reset for the user, by selecting Manage > Users > Select User > Action > Reset Password. Clicking Reset Password in IFS generates a Password Reset email. The user can then reset the password by clicking the link provided in the email. This activity of initiating the password reset is logged with an activity description of “Reset password initiated by admin.”
Send Invitation If the registration email has expired, then the IFS administrator can resend the invitation from IFS by selecting Manage > Users > Select User > Send Invitation. This activity of resending the invitation email to users is logged with an activity description of “Send Invitation.”
Password changed by user Once the user’s password is successfully changed, then this activity is logged with an activity description of “Password changed by user.”
User account activated by administrator If the user account is inactive, then the IFS administrator has the ability to activate the user’s account. Once the user’s account is activated by the IFS administrator, then this activity is logged with an activity description of “User account activated by administrator.”
User account deactivated by administrator When the IFS administrator disables the user (makes the user inactive) in IFS, then this information is logged with an activity description of “User account deactivated by administrator.”
User deleted by admin If the IFS administrator deletes a user, then this user is removed from IFS. This activity is logged in IFS with an activity description of “User deleted by admin.”
User account locked After a certain number of unsuccessful sign-in attempts, the user’s account is locked. When the user’s account is locked, this activity is logged with an activity description of “User account locked.”
User account Unlocked When the user’s account is locked, then only the IFS administrator can unlock it. When the IFS administrator unlocks the account in IFS by selecting Manage > Users > Select User > Action > Unlock Account, then this activity is logged with an activity description of “User account unlocked.”
User details updated by admin If any user property is updated, then this activity is logged with an activity description of “User details updated by admin.”
Email Verified The verification email is sent to users to verify their email address. Once the email is verified, this activity is logged with an activity description of “Email verified.”
User logon successful Once the user is successfully logged on, then this activity is logged with an activity description of “User logon successful.”
User logon failed If the user’s logon attempt fails due to an incorrect password, this activity is logged with an activity description of “User logon failed.”
User logoff successful Once the user is successfully logged off (by clicking Sign out from the profile menu), then this information is logged with an activity description of “User logoff successful.”