Managing tenant widgets

All possible actions are available from the Actions menu. Actions that are available only for either single or multiple selection are enabled when they can be used.

These actions are available from the Actions menu:

Action Description
View Details Displays information about the widget such as the title, widget ID, author, title, and signed by Infor status, as well as advanced details about the widget.
Delete Deletes the selected widget.
Export Exports the selected widget.
Permissions > Edit Permissions Shows the widget permissions. You can remove, add, and edit permissions.
Permissions > Copy Permissions Copies all permissions for the selected widget to the clipboard.
Permissions > Apply Copied Permissions Adds the permissions from the clipboard and updates the values for existing security roles and users without removing existing entries.
Permissions > Replace Copied Permissions Clears any existing permissions and adds the permissions from the clipboard.
Permissions > Clear Permissions Removes all permissions for the selected widgets. This action enables all users to configure the published widget and makes the published widget available in the Widget Catalog.