Working with a document

Opening a document opens a new tab within the Document Management window.

The attributes of every document depend on your Infor product integration:

  • Manually specified into the system.
  • Systematically captured.

With the use of third party tooling, documents such as PDF’s can be scanned and OCR automatically captures results for configured attributes.

You can view the document and see the documents properties and attributes in the document preview area.

Includes document type, current version, and other basic document metadata information.
Includes metadata manually configured by the administrator that correspond to a particular document type, for example; ID, customer name, etc.
Note: Some attributes, such as Created by and Checked out by, contain a user name. If the value of such an attribute is a deleted user name, the attribute is displayed as "Deleted User".
Includes file type, size, and document name.
Access Control List options that are configured during the document type creation process within the Control Center.
Previous versions with the ability to view, revert back, and copy.