User actions

Action buttons in the top panel

Save the document
Save a newly added document. This button is disabled until a new document has been added.
Check out a document
Make edits to the document. After you click this button, two new buttons, Check In and Discard check out, are displayed. After you checked out a document, no other user can check out or change that document until you check it in or discard your checkout.
  • Check In makes the document read-only again. Another version is added to the document history.
  • Discard Check out makes the document read-only again. None of the changes you made is saved and a new version is not added to the document history.
Download the document
Download the document to your local drive. If related documents are attached to the selected document, there is an option to stitch the documents into a single file.
Save as a new document
You can use this button to copy the document and add it back into Document Management as a new document type.
Print the document to a printer that has been set up. If related documents are attached to the selected document, there is an option to stitch the documents into a single file.

Actions in the options menu

The options menu is located to the right of the action buttons in the top panel.

Send in email
Send the document in an email. The document is sent from the email address of the user who is logged on. The file in the document is sent as an attachment. If related documents are attached to the selected document, there is an option to add the documents as separate attachments. Alternatively, you can stitch them into a single file.
Copy document
Copy the document as a separate entry with a unique ID.
Delete the document
Delete the document. You can only perform this action if you have the correct permissions.
Archive the document
Put the document in the archived bucket, and render it read-only unless it is restored to the active status.
Refresh the document
Reload the document if necessary.