email (Java class EmailTarget)

The email target sends an email with all the files from input as attachments or, if the total size of all documents exceeds 15 MB, as links.
Attribute name Value Type Description
type "email" string The target object type.
to Example:

string A semicolon-separated list of email addresses to send email to.
cc Optional


string A semicolon-separated list of email addresses to send email to as cc.
bcc Optional


string A semicolon-separated list of email addresses to send email to as bcc.
from Optional


string Override the sender email. On a Document Management installation level (on-premises), you can configure whether it is allowed to change the from email address. If that configuration is done, then this attribute is ignored.
fromDisplayName Optional

Example: John Doe

String Override the sender display name. This attribute is ignored if the from attribute is not specified or ifDocument Management has been configured not allowing to change the sender. If fromDisplayName is omitted and the from attribute is specified, then the from attribute is copied to fromDisplayName.
subject Example: "Invoice" string Subject of the email.
body Optional

Example: "Please pay at once!"

string The body of the email.
attachments Optional array of File objects An array of additional attachments that shall only be included in this e-mail.

These are allowed File objects:





bodyFileName Optional

Example: MyGeneratedFile.html

string To set the email body from a generated document, use this property to specify a generated file. The file extension must be .html. Read more about how to generate and send email here.

Available from 12.0.24.

Include Optional

Example: ["MyGeneratedFile.pdf", "anotherfile.pdf"]

array of string List of file names to be included to the target. In this case, the files are attached to the email. If include is omitted or null, then all generated files are attached to the email.

If some of the generated documents should not be included to the target, then the include list must only contain the names of the generated documents that should be attached.

If no files are to be attached, you must provide an empty list.

HTML documents are never included as an attachment.

Available from 12.0.24.

This is an example of this target type in JSon:

  "type": "email",
  "to": "",
  "cc": "",
  "bcc": "",
  "from": "",
  "subject": "Please read",
  "body": "Please read carefully",
  "attachments": [
       "type": "xqyery",
       "pid": ""/OutputManagementTesting[@RESOURCENAME = \"law-enforcement-guidelines-us.pdf\"]""