print (Java class PrintTarget)

Prints documents to the specified printer. The ID of the printer is the Document Management Enterprise Print ID of the printer.
Attribute name Value Type Description
type "print" string The target object type.
printerId Example: "sdsdf324sdf234" String The printer ID that belongs to the printer solution configured.
noOfCopies Optional

Example: 2

int Number of copies to be printed. Default value is 1.
include Optional

Example: ["MyGeneratedFile.pdf", "anotherfile.pdf"]

array of string List of file names to be included to the target. In this case, the files are printed.

If include is omitted or null, then all generated files are printed.

If some of the generated documents should not be included to the target, then the include list must only contain the names of the generated documents that should be printed.

Available from 12.0.24.

This is an example of this target type in JSon:

  "type": "print",
  "printerId": "sdsdf324sdf234",
  "noOfCopies": 2