Creating a Windows Command Script

  1. Create this folder: x:\Infor\IONETL\{env}_Jobs
    With an independent folder, moving the jobs folder and update the windows task scheduler entries is not required during an upgrade process. During the promotion of the scripts to the next environment, you can copy and paste the content of the {env}_Jobs folder to the new server.
  2. Open one of the sample Windows command scripts from {env}_Jobs folder.
  3. Save the file under a name that reflects the ETL Job that must be run. Use the same name as used in the ETL Client.
  4. Specify this information:
    • Line 1 - Installation folder
    • Line 3 - Repository Name -> /rep:
    • Line 3 - Job Name -> /job:
    • Line 3 - Directory -> /dir:
    • Line 3 - ETL Repository User -> /user:
    • Line 3 - ETL Repository Password -> /pass:
    • Line 3 - Logging Level -> /level:

    For example:

    cd %DI_DESIGNER%
    call %DI_DESIGNER%\Kitchen.bat /rep:prd /job:M3_calendars_Job /dir:/Jobs /user:admin /pass:admin /level:Basic
    • Test all Windows command scripts manually before creating a Windows task scheduler entry.
    • Remove the pause: command line after manually testing the script. The command window that is displayed when running the script closes automatically when running the Windows tasks scheduler.
    • You can enhance the Windows command scripts with logging commands. See the examples in this folder: ../deem_setup/jobs