Extracting data from Data Lake

To retrieve data from Data Lake, you must use one of these methods:
  • Data Fabric application pages
  • Data Fabric APIs & JDBC Driver
  • Extraction through Data Lake flows

Select the technology or technologies that best align your needs.

Data Fabric application pages

The pages in the Data Fabric application are used for incidental activities. For example: browsing the Data Lake to see which data is there, checking whether the status is OK, troubleshooting, trying out new queries, and so on.

See these pages:

  • Atlas page

    Browse the data as sent to Data Lake, look at the ‘raw’ data, check properties such as date/times or sender logical ID. This method is available for all document types.

    For details, see Atlas

  • Compass page

    Explore the data through querying, with options to select specific properties, join data, filter data using a where clause, etc. This method is only available for ‘flat’ data in DSV or newline-delimited JSON format. The page has an option to download the result set.

    For details, see Compass

Data Fabric APIs & JDBC Driver

Various methods are available for automated processing, application integration, regular data extraction and so on.

See these methods:

  • Compass API

    Send queries and retrieve the results through API Gateway, with options to select specific properties, join data, filter data using a where clause, etc. This method is only available for ‘flat’ data in DSV or newline-delimited JSON format.

    For details, see Using Compass query APIs.

  • Data Lake API

    Retrieve data objects through API Gateway. Filtering capabilities are limited, and the data objects are retrieved as is. This method is available for all document types.

    For details, see Using the data object retrieval APIs

  • Compass JDBC driver

    Similar to the Compass API but using a JDBC interface.

    For details, see Compass JDBC Driver

Extraction through ION Data Lake flows

Infor ION provides the option to use Data Lake as the starting point for a data flow.

Data Lake flows

Sending new data objects from Data Lake to any destination through ION connectors, using modeled data flows. This method is available for all document types.

For details on how to model Data Lake flows, see the Infor ION User Guide.