Monitoring a pipeline

You can monitor your pipeline on the pipeline’s Overview tab. Monitoring gives you an insight into how much data is being processed in the pipeline.

  1. Select Pipelines > Stream Pipelines.
  2. Select the pipeline.
  3. Click the Overview tab.
    A page with the Replay Queue and monitoring graph sections is displayed. In the monitoring graph section, you can monitor live data and initial load data on separate tabs.

    See Replay Queue and Pipeline monitoring concept.

    By default, the graphs show records from the last 15 minutes. To change the period for which the graphs are displayed, click the list at the top right corner of the graph section and select one of these periods:

    • Last 15 minutes: Data point is shown every 30 seconds.
    • Last 1 hour: Data point is shown every 2 minutes.
    • Last 24 hours: Data point is shown every 1 hour.
    • Last 7 days: Data point is shown every 1 day.

    The graphs are automatically refreshed every 15 seconds.

    Pause on the information icon on a graph to view the description of the graph.

    Pause on any place on a graph to view the exact metric count.