Process Messages 400-499

This table shows the message code and its description:

Message code Message description


The <<object name>> object reference is invalid.


Invalid property name references: '<<data name>>', '<<data object name>>'.


One or more properties are missing the type. Type is required: 'data object name''.'property name','data object name''.'property name'.


One or more properties have an unsupported type: 'data object name'.'property name' has type 'type', 'data object name'.'property name' has type 'type'.


One or more properties in the identifierPath are not found in the schema: 'data object name''.'property name','data object name''.'property name'.


The variationPath property is not found in the schema: 'data object name''.'property name'.


Table does not contain any columns.


The '<tableName>' object has an invalid metadata property path for deleteIndicator. Please update your metadata and try again


One or more properties in the <<data object>> data object are localized, but the Data Catalog does not contain locale selections. Update the Data Catalog Locale Selections to define at least one locale code


The infor.clear_table process cannot be executed with the option False to retain Compass data. The 'dataobjectname' data object name is invalid; the metadata is not found in the Data Catalog. To remove the data object from Compass, run the infor.clear_table process with the 'true' option to clear the Compass definition and data.


The <<objectname>>, <<objectname2>> object names have characters that are supported in Compass queries. Supported characters are a through z, 0 through 9, underscores and spaces.


The <<propertyname>>, <<propertyname2>> object names have characters that are supported in Compass queries. Supported characters are a through z, 0 through 9, underscores and spaces.


The <<schemaname>>, <<schemaname2>> schema names are invalid.


The <<object name>> object cannot be used in Compass queries. The <<object type>> object type is not supported. Compass queries supports newline-delimited JSON and DSV object types.


The  <<propertyname>> property in the <<object name>> object has an x-datetimeformat of <<format value>> that is not supported in Compass. Update the format definition and data with a format supported in Compass or remove the x-datetimeformat attribute from the definition.  


The '<tableName>' object has an invalid metadata property path for archiveIndicator. Please update your metadata and try again.

416 The '<tableName>' object has an invalid metadata property path for deleteIndicator. Please update your metadata and try again.
417 The '{ObjectName}' object has an invalid metadata property value for archiveIndicator. Please update your metadata and try again
418 Query cannot be processed as the Object '<Object Name>' has exceeded the object property limits