Logical IDs recommendations

The logical ID is a unique identifier of the source that uses an ingestion method to ingest data in Data Lake. When you use the API, you must include the data object name and the logical ID of the source application that sends data. The logical ID is used to identify the source of data objects in Atlas and to filter by source when extracting data with the data object retrieval API.

This list shows recommendations for defining the Batch Ingestion API in API Gateway and for setting up a logical ID:

  • Use the <provider>.<part2>.<part3> format.
  • Specify a logical way for your organization to understand where the data comes from. For example, specify the company name in the <provider> field and the source application name or product name in the <part2> field. Specify a further detail of the source in the <part3> field, for example, an identifier of an application instance.
  • Do not specify Infor in the <provider> field or in other parts of the logical ID. Infor is reserved for Infor applications only.
Note: If you use Infor ION as an ingestion method, the logical ID is set by the connection point.