Streaming data from Data Fabric

Note: Stream Pipelines is an add-on license to Data Fabric. To be able to access the feature you must obtain the related SKU. Reach out to your Infor representative for more information.

Stream Pipelines provides real-time streaming data processing and delivery capabilities for operational data access and reporting in cloud-based systems.

Users can easily model, deploy, and operate push-based data pipelines, with live monitoring and exception handling features ensuring reliable and efficient data transfer. Designed to enable users to leverage real-time data insights for informed business decisions, Stream Pipelines allows for seamless processing and delivery of data events to cloud-based systems, including relational databases like Aurora PostgreSQL. These capabilities offer users valuable insights that can drive business growth and success.

Data Fabric Pipelines consists of these pages:

  • Stream Pipelines

    From the Stream Pipelines page, you manage and operate the stream pipelines to deliver data to your systems (destinations).

  • Destinations

    On the Destinations page, you provide the connection details to your target systems. You can also view the Infor-provisioned destinations to use in Stream Pipelines.

  • Replay Queue

    Replay Queue is where you discover, manage, and replay events that failed to be delivered with a pipeline.

To access the Stream Pipelines feature, open the Data Fabric application in Infor OS, and in the Data Fabric app navigation menu, expand the Pipelines section.