Table mapping and model validation

The Table activity provides a mapping between the object properties and table columns that must match and form a 1:1 mapping – every object property must be matched to a table column. Based on the mapping, the event properties are processed into corresponding table columns. In case an event arrives with mismatched data types, for example a string to be stored in an integer, the event will end in the Replay Queue for further investigation.

The mapping is automatically created by mapping the columns that are named the same as the object properties. When creating database tables, make sure you preserve the property letter case in the column name because the mapping is case sensitive on the property names.

Validation of the mapping is performed when you attempt to start the pipeline. The pipeline will not be started if there are any object properties that are not mapped. You will be informed about any inconsistencies in the model in the form of warnings or errors in the notification panel.

When the mapping has a mismatched data type, it allows you to start the pipeline and will warn you about the mismatch.

To ensure the data mapping accuracy, see "Supported databases".