Browsing data objects

To browse data objects in Data Lake, expand the left panel and select an object name.

When an object name is selected in the left panel, the center area displays a data grid with the available data objects in Data Lake. You can only select one object name at a time.

The title of the data grid shows what object name is selected, and its count of data objects. The data grid can show up to 10,000 data objects. You can search or use filters to narrow down the list of data objects.

Data objects are listed as data grid rows, identified by the unique value in the Object ID column. The data grid columns contain the object properties. The Object property column is empty if the value of the property is not set.

For the list of object properties see Data object properties.

The default data grid sorting order is on the data object’s Indexed Date property.

You can search the data grid by keyword and apply column filters.

Select data objects for one of these actions:

  • Mark and clear as corrupt
  • Purge
  • Download
  • View a data object
  • Search by keyword
  • Refresh the data grid
  • Maximize and Minimize the view
  • Show the timestamp values in UTC or local time
  • Convert the unit of measure
  • Personalize the data grid
  • Enable and clear the column filters
  • Export the data grid to CSV file

The data grid offers pagination controls. You can control the pagination in these ways:

  • Going to first, previous, next, or last page
  • Specifying the page number
  • Changing the number of objects displayed per page:
    • 15
    • 25 (default)
    • 50
    • 100

To select data objects, click the row check box or click the Select All check box. The selection is applied on the data objects that are visible on the page. You cannot select multiple data objects across different pages.