Listing the failed events

To find the failed events in the Replay Queue, select a pipeline in the left panel.

When you select a pipeline in the Replay Queue, you see this information:

  • A chart showing how the failed events are distributed across different error type categories.
  • Replay Queue tabs for Live Data and Initial Load to manage individual events based on which process the event failed to deliver.
  • A list of error type categories for which there are a failed event. Categories that do not have any issues are not displayed.

On each error type category, you can see these details:

  • Error type
  • How many records are queued for this error type
  • When the oldest error happened
  • When the newest error happened
  • Status of the category
  • Controls to start replaying or discarding the whole category
  • Expand icon to expand the category list and show the failed events

When an error type category is expanded, a list of failed events is shown with these details:

  • Error message describing the reason the event failed to load
  • Time when the error happened
  • Time when the event will expire from the Replay Queue
  • Icon controls that enable you to
    • Preview the event payload in an editor
    • Replay the record and any subsequent newer failed events
    • Discard the record and any subsequent newer failed events