Assign resources to tags

You can associate application-specific configuration, content, extension, and security to a tag. You then create a local package by selecting one or more tags.

A prerequisite for assigning resources to tags is you must have created tags in ION using the Configuration Management tool.

Users must have the IONDeskAdmin role to assign resources to tags.

Resources can only be linked to a tag with a status of Active. You cannot add or removed resources from a Locked tag.

  1. Open ION.
  2. Select Configuration Management > ION Tags.
  3. Open the details for the tag where you want to add a resource tag.
  4. Click Add to open the add resource page.
  5. In the Add resource page, select the module and resource.
  6. Select the identifiers of the resources that need to be added.
  7. Click Add.
Note: To delete a resource from a tag, select the check box for any resource from within the tag page and click Delete. Deleted resources repopulate in the Add Tags page.