
Users must have the IDM-Administrator role to assign resources to tags.

This table describes the resources that can be imported into the target tenant.

Resource Category Description
Document type Content Document types are used to define document settings including attributes, ACLs, and related documents.
Value set Content Value sets are a group of valid values that you assign to control the values that are stored for the attribute.
Business context model Content BCMs are used to create a rule to link documents in Document Management to a screen in ERP systems.
Retention policy Content With the retention policies configuration, you can automatically archive, delete, or purge documents from the system.
Output template Content Output templates are those documents marked specifically as templates.
Email template Content Email templates are those documents specifically configured as email templates within the email configuration page of the Control Center.
Retention policy Configuration With the retention policies configuration, you can automatically archive, delete, or purge documents from the system.
Result list Configuration Result lists specify which columns to display in various search result lists.
Document type filter Configuration Document type filters control which users can view which document types.
ION configuration Configuration The ION Configuration section is where the communication between Document Management and ION is configured.
Language Configuration Defines additional languages that can be used to provide translations of the data model.
Mime type Configuration MIME types are used to create a list of allowed file types for added security.
Signature Configuration Configure Document Management to link to a document signature application. Currently, the only document signature provider available is DocuSign.
Print Configuration Select and manage the Document Management Enterprise Print service.
Saved search Configuration You can use saved searches to create custom saved search XQueries.